sâmbătă, 28 iulie 2007

Other fragments from Corinna's poems

Terpsichore [told] me

lovely old tales to sing

to the white-robed women of Tanagra
and the city delighted greatly
in my voice, clear as the swallow's.

Since whenever great . . .
false . . .
. . . land with wide dancing-places,
and stories from our fathers' time
by my art adorned
for the young women [I'll begin].

Many times I adorned
the leader Kephisos with stories --
often, too, the great Orion
and his fifty strong sons
from his mingling with nymphs
. . . Libya . . .

I tell of the girl . . .
lovely to see . . .
the [land] bears . . .
. . . I bore . . .

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