sâmbătă, 28 iulie 2007

Competition between Kithairon and Helikon

" The Kureten, they hid
The elated shoot of the goddess
In the dark rock cave
Before the bad-minded Kronos,
Until the goddess Rhea stolen him.

There Zeus won with the gods
High honour. " He sang such.
Now he ordered to the gods
Immediately the muses, their vocal stone
In the urn to put gold.
The gods already rose in a great hurry.

And Kithairon became a winner.
Quickly Hermes to all announces,
Who the proud victory gained.
And him the gods laid smiling
A wreath to him around the Stirne;
This fulfilled to him the heart with joy.

But Helikon of pains
Overcome, tore a rock
From the flank of the mountains.
With obsessed cry of rage flings
High from the summit he him talwärts
To the abyss thousands upon thousands of to remains.

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